Special Education


Lane W. Clarke, Ed.D.
Academic Director, School of Education


Degree name
Bachelor of Science with a major in Special Education


教育学院的使命是培养具有灵活性的终身反思型教育工作者, compassion, collaboration, and student-centered pedagogy knowledge and skills.

The School of Education offers strong experiential, student-centered, and responsive program preparing students to develop:

  • Knowledge of content and instructional practice
  • Professional dispositions
  • Pedagogical skills


The core values that drive the School of Education and guide our ethos, principles, and standards are:

  • Knowledgeable Professionals
  • Collaborative Practitioners
  • Inclusive and Culturally Competent Educators
  • Reflective Life-Long Learners

Major Description

拥有特殊教育专业的理学学士学位将获得缅因州的特殊教育认证. Completers of this program will graduate, along with having a breadth and depth in general education outcomes, with the skills, knowledge, 以及在K-12学校环境中教育各种残疾学生的倾向. Additionally, this major has been designed using existing education courses as a foundation, 使学生能够主修特殊教育和其他教育课程中的一(1)个.

Curricular Requirements

CAS Core RequirementsCredits
Total Credits42–43
Program Required CoursesCredits
EDU 105 – Exploring Teaching3
EDU 206 – Foundations of Lit/Lang Dev3
EDU 373 – Teaching Mathematics, K-83
EDU 385 – Diversity Issues in Schools3
SPE 220 – Exceptionality in the Classroom3
SPE 300 – Special Education Methods or SPE 315 – Supporting Students with Autism3
SPE 301 – Inclusive Classroom Management3
SPE 350 – Special Education Law3
SPE 405 – Inclusive Methods and Data-Based Decision Making3
SPE 410 – Assessing and Remediating Challenging Behavior3
SPE 486 – Special Education Practicum3
SPE 490 – Spec Edu Internship/Seminar12
Total Credits45
Open elective courses (as needed to reach 120 credits)Variable
Minimum Total Required Credits120

This program requires an overall minimum 2.5 GPA in the major.

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of their bachelor's degree with a major in Special Education, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate mastery of the Maine Common Core Teaching Standards
  • Demonstrate professionalism through accountability and engagement
  • Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively in both written and oral formats
  • Demonstrate appropriate dispositions as defined by professional expectations

Academic and Technical Standards


教育学院的教师致力于持续和频繁地观察和参与学校. 正规澳门赌场网络的教师教育课程以能力为基础,以满足缅因州的教师认证标准. 所有参加教师培训的学生在注册专业教育课程的每个学期都要花时间在实地学习. 在学校的参与将与具体的、与课程有关的任务联系起来.g.、观察、授课、实验、评估等.). Transportation to and from schools is the responsibility of the student.


所有参加教育认证课程的学生都必须申请进入高级课程 completed approximately sixty (60) credit hours and completed at least three (3) Education courses. To apply for advanced standing, 学生必须制作一个作品集,展示他们如何在以下领域达到熟练程度:a)教学技能, knowledge, and disposition aligned with the Maine Common Core Teaching Standards; b) basic academic skills and c) professional skills. 该作品集由教育教师委员会评估,并根据整体标准做出合格/不合格的决定.

不符合高级资格标准的学生不能继续参加认证课程 must change their major to a non-certification major. 在第二学期或最后一学期之前,学生可以在每学期结束后重新申请提前入学.e., 春季毕业的学生必须在上一个秋季学期开始前满足提前入学要求。.


Without specific permission from the School of Education Academic Director, courses may not be taken during the internship semester, so all required coursework must be completed the semester prior to the internship. 不能保证获得实习资格,学生必须达到Advanced Standing才能申请.

个别实习地点的选择将由认证和就业主任作出. Geographical location relative to UNE is a consideration. 正规澳门赌场网络与许多地区都有合作关系,并根据他们对缅因州共同核心教学标准的兴趣和能力来选择学校和教师. Placement in an internship is not guaranteed. 教育学院保留以其认为适当或必要的理由拒绝礼貌实习安排的权利. The University, at its discretion, 不会将学生安排在实习生子女或亲属就读的实习环境(1)中吗, or (2) where a spouse or relative of an intern is currently employed. The School of Education, through its Certification and Placement Officer, will make a good-faith effort to negotiate an appropriate placement. Schools have the right to refuse placement requests. 十五(15)周的学生教学经验必须在缅因州当地的公立学校完成,该学校与正规澳门赌场网络签订了实习协议. Students may not be permitted to accept a contracted teaching position (e.g., long-term substituting, 为期一年的实习)在完成至少半学期的学生教学实习之前. However, 学生教学实习生可能被允许在日常的基础上代替他们的课堂老师.


所有参加实习的学生必须在专业教育者审查委员会(PERB)面前证明他们的教学能力与缅因州共同核心教学标准有关。. 该委员会由来自地区学校的专业教育工作者和正规澳门赌场网络的教师组成. 学生需要编写一份报告,反映他们在满足这些州标准方面的熟练程度,并在董事会面前展示和辩护. 通过PERB是完成认证计划的必要条件,随后被推荐到缅因州教育部获得教师执照.


特殊教育辅修课程将帮助学生通过实践经验和来自特殊教育领域的最新知识和指导,为各种能力的个人提供支持. 学生将获得各种残疾的信息,包括高发病率和低发病率的残疾. 在某些课程中,学生将被要求在教室或其他相关环境中完成实地工作时间,并将他们所学到的知识和技能应用到实际环境中. 课程涵盖了广泛的知识,包括普通教育课堂上的残疾, psychology, disability studies, and hands-on strategies to teach skills.

Program Required CoursesCredits
OS 432 – Disability Studies and Inclusive Communities (formerly HWOS 432) or SPE 405 – Inclusive Methods and Data-Based Decision Marking3
SPE 220 – Exceptionality in the Classroom3
Total Credits6
Select four (4) of the following coursesCredits
Any SPE course3
ASL 101 – Introduction to American Sign Language3
EDU 465 – Educational Studies Internship3
EDU 486 – Site-Based Field Practicum3
OS 432 – Disability Studies and Inclusive Communities (formerly HWOS 432)3
PSY 105 – Introduction to Psychology3
Total Credits12
Minimum Total Required Credits18

Transfer Credit

在其他认可的学院完成的课程可以转到这个学位课程. 转学的课程必须在范围和内容上与正规澳门赌场网络提供的必修课程相当接近,才能被视为完全等同. Otherwise, they may transfer as general electives. All courses completed must be no older than five (5) years.

Other restrictions apply. See Undergraduate Admissions for more information.


See Undergraduate Admissions for more information.

Financial Information


Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the Financial Information section of this catalog.