



Jennifer Stiegler-Balfour博士.D.
Assistant Academic Director, 社会与行为科学学院


正规澳门赌场网络神经科学项目的使命是产生独立的, self-motivated learners who have acquired the analytical 和 研究 skills that will help them to think creatively while integrating complex ideas. This training prepares them to help solve the critical challenges facing our society 和 to contribute to the furthering of human knowledge. We accomplish this using a variety of experiential 和 engaged learning techniques to provide a foundation in the concepts 和 methodologies of the interdisciplinary field of neuroscience at the cellular, 分子, 认知系统, 以及行为层面.


A Bachelor of 科学 degree 主修神经科学 is an interdisciplinary major offered by faculty from various schools 和 colleges with expertise in neuroscience. The neuroscience curriculum offers students an opportunity to explore the structure 和 function of the nervous system. 这个专业需要一般的科学背景, a number of courses specifically devoted to the brain 和 nervous system, 和 an in-depth experience that explores the limits of knowledge in at least one (1) aspect of neuroscience. The major allows considerable flexibility for students to develop the last two (2) years along the lines of individual preferences 和 interests, 有潜在的焦点在细胞/分子神经生物学领域, 行为神经科学, 或者认知科学. The majority of students who graduate 主修神经科学 enter graduate or professional programs culminating with careers in medicine/health care, 研究, 和/或教育.


生物106/106L -生物学II:细胞/分子w/实验室4
CHE 110/110L -普通化学I /Lab or CHE 150/150L -大学普通化学I /Lab4
CHE 111/111L -普通化学II带实验室 or CHE 151/151L -大学普通化学II带实验室4
CHE 210/210L/210S -有机化学I w/Lab LabLecture5
CHE 211/211L/211S -有机化学II带实验室 LabLecture or CHE 310/310L -生物化学基础与实验室4–5
MAT 190 -微积分满足核心要求的学分
NEU 205/205L -神经生物学导论(含实验室4
NEU 300 -神经科学实习 or 神经科学实验室研究3–12
NEU 306/306L -行为/认知神经实验室4
PHY 110 -一般物理I4
PHY 111 -一般物理II4
鸟叔105 -心理学入门3
PSY 225 -心理学统计 or MAT 150 -生命科学统计学3
PSY 250 -环境中的寿命发展满足核心要求的学分
三(3)必修课从列表A B. 从列表A中选择不超过两(2)人 or B.9–13
BIO 214 /214L -遗传学带实验室4
BIO 245/245L – General Principles of Anatomy, Physiology, 和 Pathophysiology I w/Lab4
BIO 322 -比较动物生理学3
生物330/330L -比较脊椎动物解剖学带实验室4
生物340 -性生物学 & 性别3
BIO 345/345L – General Principles of Anatomy, Physiology, 和 Pathophysiology II w/Lab5
BIO 365 -免疫学3
生物407 -发育生物学3
BIO 450 -生物主题(与计划批准)3
CHE 405 -药物化学3
PHI 370 -心理学哲学3
PHI 380 -心灵哲学3
PSY 205 -变态心理学3
鸟叔226 -动机和情感3
鸟叔245 -进化心理学3
鸟相275 -介绍技术在动物行为3
鸟叔285 -研究方法3
PSY 290 -发展精神病理学3
鸟相316 -意识心理学3
鸟叔325 -老化心理学3
鸟叔335 -比较动物行为 or 生物335 -动物行为/行为生态学3
鸟叔362 -动物认知3
PSY 364 -社会和情感发展的儿童3
鸟叔370 -毒品,社会和行为3
PSY 380 -学习/条件反射和行为修正 or 鸟叔384/ 384L -动物学习和行为w/实验室3–4
PSY 383 -记忆和认知3
鸟叔425 -动物行为的先进方法3

本专业的学生可以参加 学前健康研究生院准备课程.


平均绩点2分.25分才能被批准增加神经科学专业. Double majoring or majoring 和 Minoring within the 社会与行为科学学院 may be possible for students. 学生 interested in this option should do so with close consultation of their Academic Advisor to ensure that a substantial degree of overlap between the two (2) areas does not occur. 

A minimum grade of C- must be achieved in all courses used to fulfill the requirements for the 神经科学 major. 学生 must 也 complete the University Core mathematics requirement by the end of the first year. The 社会与行为科学学院 strongly recommends that students take PSY 225 or 在他们大二的时候拿到了MAT 150. 社会与行为科学学院要求PSY 225 or MAT 150必须在大三结束前完成. 
看到 本科生学术政策 也.


以B级毕业的学生.S. 正规澳门赌场网络神经科学专业的学生将能够

  1. Demonstrate a broad foundation in the concepts 和 methodologies of the interdisciplinary field of neuroscience at the cellular, 分子, 认知, 系统, 以及行为层面.
  2. Demonstrate 研究 skills including the ability to design experiments, 和收集, 分析, 并通过研究项目解读数据, 实验室工作, 实习, 和课程.
  3. Demonstrate critical thinking skills by analyzing 和 evaluating neuroscience primary literature.
  4. Communicate in written 和 oral format scientific information in an organized 和 clear manner.


平均绩点不低于2分的学生.25 和 a major at UNE may Minor in 神经科学 with the approval of the Assistant Academic Director. Declarations must occur before the completion of the first semester of the junior year. 学生 declaring a Minor in 神经科学 will be discouraged from double-dipping credits across the Minor 和 either major or core requirements (unless no other options are provided by the major, Minor, 或核心需求).

A minimum of twenty-six (26) hours of approved course credit with a minimum grade of C- in each course is required for the Minor in 神经科学 as follows:

生物106/106L -生物学II:细胞/分子w/实验室4
CHE 110/110L -普通化学I /Lab or CHE 150/150L -大学普通化学I /Lab4
CHE 111/111L -普通化学II带实验室 or CHE 151/151L -大学普通化学II带实验室4
NEU 205/205L -神经生物学导论,带实验室4
NEU 306/306L -行为和认知神经科学,带实验室4
鸟叔105 -心理学入门3


我们为符合条件的学生提供荣誉毕业的选择. 这包括重要的研究, scholarship or creative activity under the direction of a faculty member. 感兴趣的学生应该咨询他们的指导老师.


Courses completed at another accredited college can be transferred to this degree program. Transferred courses must be reasonably close in scope 和 content to the required courses offered at UNE in order to count as exact equivalents. 否则,他们可以作为普通选修课. 完成的所有课程不得超过5年.

适用其他限制. 看到 本科招生 了解更多信息.


看到 本科招生 了解更多信息.



随后几年的学费和费用可能会有所不同. 其他费用包括书本费和住宿费. For more information regarding tuition 和 fees, please consult the 财务信息 本目录部分.


本目录概述了学术课程, 度标准, 政策, 和 events of the University of New Engl和 for the 2024–2025 academic year 和 serves as the official guide for academic 和 program requirements for students enrolling at the University during the Summer of 2024, 2024年秋季, 和2025年春季学期.

The information provided is accurate as of its publication date on April 26, 2024.
The University of New Engl和 reserves the right to modify its programs, 日历, 或认为必要或有益的课程表. 这包括对课程内容的修改, 类重新安排, 取消, 或任何其他学术调整. 变更将尽可能及时地进行沟通.

While students may receive guidance from academic advisors or program directors, they remain responsible for fulfilling the requirements outlined in the catalog relevant to their enrollment year 和 for staying informed about any updates to 政策, 规定, 或需求.